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  • Writer's pictureYunuen Pamatz-Rangel


This semester here in Brewster High School we are only taking 4 classes per semester, so it's all kinda crazy, because we need to fit a year's worth of work into one semester. .This semester I am taking Spanish 103- EWU, Algebra II, Multimedia , and Aerobics. Today we were asked to write about our grades and accomplishments in each class.

First off is Spanish 103-EWU, this is a college level Spanish class, currently my grade is a 98%. I thought since my first language is Spanish that this class would be an easy A, but in reality it has been lots of work, which most days I don't want to do. So my accomplishment in this class would be that somehow I have managed to force myself to do the work and keep up a good grade.

Next is my Algebra II class, this class has probably been the toughest class I have taken all year...I have learned that I am no good at remembering math equations for more than two days. So I am EXTREMELY surprised that I have a 97%. My accomplishment would be that I have somehow managed to pass all my math tests.. I have no clue how I did it.

My next class is Multimedia, in this class I currently have a 100%, which honestly I was not expecting. In the beginning of the semester I was really worried that I would have a bad grade. My accomplishment in this class would be that I tried my hardest at something new and somehow succeeded, and slowly but surely I am seeing progress in my photos.

My last class is Aerobics....this is probably the class I dread the most, but in order to graduate I had to take the here we are. Honestly I am not athletic in ANY WAY, I have NO CLUE how to play ANY sport, so this class has really been something. My current grade in this class is 96%, my grade is only surviving because we do weekly articles. My accomplishment in this class would be that I show up at least try to participate, even though I don't want too .

Here is just a picture of a jar that sits on my desk with pens and pencils,

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